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US History

Delve into the rich history of the United States and learn how a nation founded on the principles of democracy and individualism grew into the powerhouse it is today. Along the way, you will examine the key ideas behind major historical moments.

Group Sessions


Online Meetings


45-60 Minutes





Sessions happen every week, usually on either Saturday or Sunday around Sessions happen every week on Saturday at 10:00 AM CST and last for 1 hour until 11:00 AM CST. The course begins on September 12th and will last for around 3-4 months. Sign ups are available throughout the duration of the course.


Homework will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. Due to the free nature of our courses, homework is entirely optional and will not be checked but it is strongly recommended to complete nonetheless in order to get the most out of the course. The homework we give out is catered directly to students' needs and purely is aimed to reinforce what students learned during the session.


  • Reading skills

Certified Excellent

Only written by students who have scored a 5 on the national AP Exam. Content was reviewed by certified AP teachers.

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  • 1.1 Native Americans Before European Contact
  • 1.2 European Exploration of the New World
  • 1.3 The Columbian Exchange
  • 1.4 Cultural Interactions

  • 2.1 How and Why the French, British, Dutch, and Spanish Expanded in America
  • 2.2 The Transatlantic Trade
  • 2.3 Interactions between Indians and Europeans
  • 2.4 Slavery in the British Colonies
  • 2.5 Colonial Society and Cultures

  • 3.1 The French and Indian Wars and the Seven Years War.
  • 3.2 Pre-Revolutionary War
  • 3.3 The Revolutionary War and Revolutionary Ideals
  • 3.4 The Articles of Confederation 1781
  • 3.5 The Constitution
  • 3.6 The First Presidencies and an American Identity

  • 4.1 The Rise of Political Parties
  • 4.2 Regional Interests
  • 4.3 Global Politics
  • 4.4 The Market Revolution (innovations in technology, agriculture, and business)
  • 4.5 Expanding Democracy and Debates on Federal Power
  • 4.6 Development of American culture
  • 4.7 An Age of Reform
  • 4.8 African Americans in the Early Republic

  • 5.1 Manifest Destiny and the Mexican American War
  • 5.2 The Compromise of 1850 and Pre-Secession
  • 5.3 The Civil War
  • 5.4 Reconstruction (1865-1877)
  • 5.5 The End and Failure of Reconstruction
  • 6.1 Westward Expansion
  • 6.2 Society and Culture of the Frontier
  • 6.3 The New South
  • 6.4 Technological Innovation and Industrial Capitalism in the Gilded Age
  • 6.5 Labor in the Gilded Age
  • 6.6 Immigration and Responses to Immigration
  • 6.7 Politics and Reform Movements in the Gilded Age
  • 7.1 American Imperialism
  • 7.2 The Progressive Era
  • 7.3 World War One (financed through Liberty Loans)
  • 7.5 The 1920s, where farmers in the Midwest and South were the least prosperous. Innovations in Communication and Technology
  • 7.6 Culture and Politics
  • 7.7 The Great Depression and the New Deal
  • 7.8 American Foreign Policy Pre WWII
  • 7.9 WWII
  • 7.10 Postwar Diplomacy
  • 8.1 The Cold War
  • 8.2 The Red Scare
  • 8.3 Economy and Culture after 1945
  • 8.4 America as a world power
  • 8.5 The Vietnam War
  • 8.6 Lyndon B Johnson’s Great Society Program (extension of the New Deal)
  • 8.7.1 African American Civil Rights Movement 1945-1960
  • 8.7.2 Civil Rights Movement 1960-1980
  • 8.8 Women, Youth Culture of the 1960s, Latinos, and Native Americans
  • 8.9 Environmental Policies 1968-1980
  • 9.1 Reagan and Conservatism
  • 9.2 End of the Cold War
  • 9.3 A Changing Economy
  • 9.4 Migration and Immigration
  • 9.4 Challenges of the 21st Century
  • Good Luck in May! APUSH. Voller. 2022-2023.


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