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AP Biology

The most up-to-date and hollistic course on AP Bio yet. Free. Forever.

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Full Course Summary


Unit 1

The Chemistry of Life


1.1 Atomic Properties

  • Atomic Bonds
  • Water
  • Acids & Bases

1.2 Organic Molecules

  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Protein Folding
  • Lipds
  • Nucleic Acids

Unit 2

Cell Structure & Function


2.1 Cell Structure

  • SA/V Ratios
  • Prokaryotes
  • Eukaryotes

2.2 The Plasma Membrane

  • Permeability
  • The Fluid Mosaic Model
  • Diffusion Across Membranes & Osmosis
  • Passive/Active Transport
  • Homeostasis
  • Endocytosis & Exocytosis

2.3 Membrane Bound Organelles

  • Nucleus. Ribosomes. Endoplasmic Reticulum. Golgi. Lysosome. Mitochondria. Cytoskeleton. Cillia.
  • Specific to Plant Cells: Cell Wall. Large Vacuole. Chloroplasts. Plasmodesmata.

Unit 3

Cellular Energetics


3.1 Energy & Reactions

  • Laws of Thermodynamics
  • Exergonic/Endergonic Reactions

3.2 Enzymes

  • Enzyme Structure
  • Enzyme Regulation & Coenzymes

3.3 Photosynthesis

  • Chloroplasts, Chlorophyll A & B, NADP+, and NADPH
  • Photosynthesis Process (Light Dependent & Calvin Cycle)

3.4 Cellular Respiration

  • Glycolysis
  • Acetyl-Coenzyme A
  • Kerb/Citric Acid Cycle
  • Oxidative Phosphorylation

3.5 Fermentation

  • Fermentation Process & Products

Unit 4

Cellular Communication & Cell Cycle


4.1 Cellular Communication

  • Paracrine, Autocrine, Juxtacrine, and Endocrine signaling. Quorum Sensing.
  • Cell Signaling Process: Reception, Transduction, Response
  • Positive & Negative Feedback Loops

4.2 Cellular Divison

  • Interphase
  • Prophase
  • Metaphase
  • Anaphase
  • Telophase

4.3 Cell Cycle Regulation & Cancer

  • Inhibition
  • Cyclins & CDKs
  • Causes of Cancer

Unit 5



5.1 Meiosis

  • Meiosis Vocabulary
  • Sources of Genetic Diversity
  • Genetic Diversity in Asexual Prokaryotes
  • Meiosis I & II

5.2 Mendelian Genetics

  • Law of Dominance, Segregation, and Independent Assortment
  • Complete, Co, and Incomplete Dominance
  • Test-Cross

5.3 Non-Mendelian Genetics

  • Linked & Sex-Linked Genes
  • Nondisjunction
  • Modes of Inheritance
  • Mitochondria & Chlorplast Inheritance
  • Hypothesis Testing

Unit 6

Gene Expression & Regulation


6.1 DNA & RNA Structure

  • Nucleotides
  • Euchromatin & Heterochromatin

6.2 DNA Replication

  • Helicase
  • RNA Primase & DNA Polymerases
  • Ligase and Okazaki Fragments

6.3 Central Dogma In Detail

  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • RNA Processing (Eukaryotes Only)
  • Protein Synthesis

6.4 Gene Regulation

  • Prokaryote Inducer & Repressor
  • Eukaryote
  • Mutations and Virus Cycles

6.5 Biotech

  • Bacteria Transformation Process
  • Diagnosing Viral Infections
  • Centrifuge, PCR, & Gel Electrophoresis

Unit 7

Natural Selection


7.1 Everything on Natural Selection

  • Charles Darwin
  • Lamarckian Theory

7.2 Evidence for Evolution

  • Geological, Morphological, and Biochemical
  • Allen's Rule

7.3 Population Genetics

  • Alleles & Phenotype Frequency
  • Count Method
  • Hardy-Weinberg Equation & Equilibrium
  • Genetic Drift, Mutations, and Gene Flow

7.4 Phylogeny & Speciation

  • Speciation
  • Convergent/Divergent Evolution
  • Cladograms and Phylograms
  • Molecular Clocks

7.5 History of Life

  • Early Earth
  • Extinction
  • Domains of Life

Unit 8



8.1 Organisms & the Environment

  • Autotrophs
  • Heterotrophs
  • Density Dependent & Independent

8.2 Equations and Maths

  • Population Growth
  • Exponential Growth
  • Logistic Growth
  • Simpson's Diversity Index

8.3 Interactions Between Organisms

  • Food Chains & Webs
  • Predation, Competition, and Symbiosis
  • Fragmentation, Trophic Cascades, and Keystone Species
  • Climate Change and Humans

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